
You can customise how your images are processed with Zara 4 by altering your request options.

Available Options

optimisation-mode — This indicates the level of compression you want to perform.
Available options: highest, compromise, lowest
colour-enhancement — This indicates what colour enhancement you want to perform.
Available options: none, improve-colour, dingy-room
resize-mode — This indicates what how you want the image to be resized.
Available options: none, stretch, crop, web-bundle
width — The width you want the image to be resized to.
(Only applies for stretch, crop resize modes)
height — The height you want the image to be resized to.
(Only applies for stretch, crop resize modes)

Example usage

// Import Zara 4 classes
use Zara4\API\Client;
use Zara4\API\ImageProcessing\LocalImageRequest;

// ...

$apiClient = new Client("API_CLIENT_ID", "API_CLIENT_SECRET");
$originalImage = new LocalImageRequest("/path/to/original-image.jpg");

// Change request options
$originalImage->optimisationMode = OptimisationMode::HIGHEST;
$originalImage->outputFormat = OutputFormat::MATCH;
$originalImage->colourEnhancement = ColourEnhancement::IMPROVE_COLOUR;
$originalImage->resizeMode = ResizeMode::NONE;

$processedImage = $apiClient->processImage($originalImage);
$apiClient->downloadProcessedImage($processedImage, "/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg");
// Import Zara 4 classes
import com.zara4.api.*;

// ...

Client apiClient = new Client("API_CLIENT_ID", "API_CLIENT_SECRET");
LocalImageRequest originalImage = new LocalImageRequest("/path/to/original-image.jpg");

// Change request options
originalImage.optimisationMode = OptimisationMode.HIGHEST;
originalImage.outputFormat = OutputFormat.MATCH;
originalImage.colourEnhancement = ColourEnhancement.IMPROVE_COLOUR;
originalImage.resizeMode = ResizeMode.NONE;

ProcessedImage processedImage = apiClient.processImage(originalImage);
apiClient.downloadProcessedImage(processedImage, "/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg");
# Import Zara 4 classes
require 'zara4'

# ...

api_client = Zara4::API::Client.new({
  'client_id'     => 'API_CLIENT_ID',
  'client_secret' => 'API_CLIENT_SECRET'
original_image = Zara4::API::ImageProcessing::RemoteImageRequest.new('https://example.com/original-image.jpg')

original_image.optimisation_mode  = Zara4::API::ImageProcessing::OptimisationMode::HIGHEST
original_image.output_format      = Zara4::API::ImageProcessing::OutputFormat::MATCH
original_image.colour_enhancement = Zara4::API::ImageProcessing::ColourEnhancement::IMPROVE_COLOUR
original_image.resize_mode        = Zara4::API::ImageProcessing::ResizeMode::CROP
original_image.width              = 250
original_image.height             = 250

processed_image = api_client.process_image(original_image)
api_client.download_processed_image(processed_image, '/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg')
'Import Zara 4 classes'
Imports Zara4.API
Imports Zara4.API.ImageProcessing


Dim apiClient = new Client("API_CLIENT_ID", "API_CLIENT_SECRET")
Dim originalImage = New LocalImageRequest("/path/to/original-image.jpg")

'Change request options'
originalImage.optimisationMode = OptimisationMode.HIGHEST

Dim processedImage = apiClient.processImage(originalImage)
apiClient.downloadProcessedImage(processedImage, "/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg")
// Import Zara 4 classes
using Zara4.API;
using Zara4.API.ImageProcessing;

// ...

Client apiClient = new Client("API_CLIENT_ID", "API_CLIENT_SECRET");
LocalImageRequest originalImage = new LocalImageRequest("/path/to/original-image.jpg");

// Change request options
originalImage.optimisationMode = OptimisationMode.HIGHEST;
originalImage.outputFormat = OutputFormat.MATCH;
originalImage.colourEnhancement = ColourEnhancement.IMPROVE_COLOUR;
originalImage.resizeMode = ResizeMode.NONE;

ProcessedImage processedImage = apiClient.processImage(originalImage);
apiClient.downloadProcessedImage(processedImage, "/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg");


When submitting an image processing request you can alter how your image is optimised using a number of options. All parameters are optional and the default values will used if you do not specify a value.

Option Value
highest - Highest level of compression (smallest file).
compromise - Middle level of compression.
lowest - Lowest level of compression (largest file).
improve-colour - Improve the colour of the image.
dingy-room - Correct colour for an image of a dingy room.
none - No colour correction.
stretch - Stretch to fit the given width and height
crop - Crop to fit the given width and height
bundle - A selection of resized images and thumbnails.
none - Do not resize the image.
null - No width
1 to 100000
null - No height
1 to 100000