Image Url

To process images from a remote location (such as a website url), you should use a RemoteImageRequest.

This downloads the image from the remote location to Zara 4 for processing. The image url given must be publicly accessible and begin with either 'http://' or 'https://'.

Example usage

// Import Zara 4 classes
use Zara4\API\Client;
use Zara4\API\ImageProcessing\RemoteImageRequest;
use Zara4\API\ImageProcessing\ProcessedImage;

// ...

$apiClient = new Client('API_CLIENT_ID', 'API_CLIENT_SECRET');
$originalImage = new RemoteImageRequest("");
$processedImage = $apiClient->processImage($originalImage);
$apiClient->downloadProcessedImage($processedImage, "/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg");
// Import Zara 4 classes
import com.zara4.api.*;

// ...

Client apiClient = new Client("API_CLIENT_ID", "API_CLIENT_SECRET");
RemoteImageRequest originalImage = new RemoteImageRequest("");
ProcessedImage processedImage = apiClient.processImage(originalImage);
apiClient.downloadProcessedImage(processedImage, "/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg");
# Import Zara 4 classes
require 'zara4'

# ...

api_client ={
  'client_id'     => 'API_CLIENT_ID',
  'client_secret' => 'API_CLIENT_SECRET'
original_image ='')
processed_image = api_client.process_image(original_image)
api_client.download_processed_image(processed_image, '/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg')
'Import Zara 4 classes'
Imports Zara4.API
Imports Zara4.API.ImageProcessing


Dim apiClient = new Client("API_CLIENT_ID", "API_CLIENT_SECRET")
Dim originalImage = New RemoteImageRequest("")
Dim processedImage = apiClient.processImage(originalImage)
apiClient.downloadProcessedImage(processedImage, "/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg")
// Import Zara 4 classes
using Zara4.API;
using Zara4.API.ImageProcessing;

// ...

Client apiClient = new Client("API_CLIENT_ID", "API_CLIENT_SECRET");
RemoteImageRequest originalImage = new RemoteImageRequest("");
ProcessedImage processedImage = apiClient.processImage(originalImage);
apiClient.downloadProcessedImage(processedImage, "/where/to/save/compressed-image.jpg");

Manual Request

To access the API you will need to provide an access_token (see authentication). You can also perform a limited number of image processing requests anonymously (without an access_token).

URL Request

curl "" \
  -F "access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -F "url="

Example Response


Fetch compressed image

The response includes generated-images containing a list of urls for your optimised image.

Each url is valid for up to 2 hours. If you used an access_token to submit your image processing request, you will also need to use an access token to fetch an optimised image.

wget ""